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Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb, kami selaku Team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru. semoga isi postingan tentang
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Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb
link: Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb
Berbagi Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Fuel Bejo Halloween is the Blackberry Messenger application that has changed the look and jeroannya so that it looks better. Designed by Izzulhaq Mahardika, fuel Mod this one takes the theme of Halloween interesting.
According to the theme, fuel Bejo chose Halloween dark background and the color combination of orange, the color of the eyes now you will be more comfortable while chatting with others. As well, the conversion of some of the icons make fuel Bejo more integrated with the impression Halloween.
In addition to an attractive appearance, also provided many features that can support this Bejo fuel performance. Among many features, there are Lock Mode keep your secret. Also Block Read Status to hide the status "R" when you open the chat.
Before downloading the fuel Bejo Halloween, make sure you have read the following review.
Bejo BBM features Halloween
Fitur-fitur Mod BBM Bejo Halloween Theme V2.10.0.31 | 14 Mb
- Full DP
- Reload
- Hide/Show DP
- Flash Lamp
- Off/On Block Read Status
- Off/On Grayscale DP
- Post Image to Facebook
- Auto Text
- Flexible Rounded DP
- Load Front From SdCard
- Lock Mode
- Auto Rotate
- Move to SdCard