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Battle Islands V.2.1.2 APK
Terbaru 2017
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Battle Islands V.2.1.2 APK
link: Battle Islands V.2.1.2 APK
Berbagi Battle Islands V.2.1.2 APK Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Information Battle Islands :
- Control troops, jeeps, tanks, boats and warplanes over air, sea, and land as you vie for superiority deep in the South Pacific
- Build and improve your military might, and use it to raid and pillage enemy islands and capture their resources
- Make sure you've a strong garrison - your enemies are itching to invade!
- Exciting Real-time strategy and combat game-play
- Battle against friends in the fight for supremacy
- Join together with others by setting up or joining an Alliance, and use real-time Chat to strategize!
- Compete weekly with similarly-ranked players to be top of your Division
- Optimized for both tablet and smartphone
- Play across devices and save your progress by linking to a social media account
- The holiday season has arrived and we have gifts galore for you
- NEW Take direct control of the elite Ranger unit and inspire the troops to deliver more damage
- NEW Three awesome alternative units to help you fine tune your tactics
- NEW Pick up the Starter Pack with the additional Support Engineer and a hefty discount on Gold!
- IMPROVED All units have been fine tuned for maximum power.
- HOLIDAYS The Snowman now joins the Christmas Tree for a bit of festive fun and free Gold