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GBWhatsApp v4.91 with the latest iOS10 emoji Add Free mod
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul GBWhatsApp v4.91 with the latest iOS10 emoji Add Free mod, kami selaku Team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru. semoga isi postingan tentang
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GBWhatsApp v4.91 with the latest iOS10 emoji Add Free mod
link: GBWhatsApp v4.91 with the latest iOS10 emoji Add Free mod
Berbagi GBWhatsApp v4.91 with the latest iOS10 emoji Add Free mod Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
- Ported 1614 and renamed png basis of latest from WA
- 100% ported iOS10 emoji (Yes I take 3 hours renaiming!)
- Resized iOS10 emoji to 64x64 for a best look (Better quality)
- Bye bye Ads!
- Fully translated into Spanish with support for phones with low dpi using my translation
- Ported 1614 and renamed png since the last base WA
- 100% ported iOS10 new emoji (If I took three hours renaming !)
- IOS10 emoji 64x64 adjusted for a better view (best quality)
- Goodbye advertising!
[ New ] Base Updated to 2.16.259
[ Exclusive ] Ability to Send Audio Clip upto 100mb instead of 16mb
[ Unlocked ] All Hidden Features (Gifs, Mentions, Doodle, MultiCast etc.)
[ Added ] Option to Change Background Color of Invite Button in Contacts Screen (Mod 2.4.10A)
[ Added ] Option to Change Color of attached contact icon on Main Screen (Mod 2.32.2)
[ Fixed ] Error Sending Videos in Few Devices
[ Fixed ] White Screen while Attaching Images in Few Devices
Other Stability Fixes....
๐ What's new in v4.81
[ New ] Base Updated to 2.16.193
[ Added ] Disable Calls Specific Contact
[ Added ] Ability to see Last Seen in Contacts Tab (Mod
[ Added ] Now Contact Page is themed along with Contacts Tab
[ Added ] Custom Privacy with Global Privacy (eg. Hide for all and same time unhide for a Specific Contact)
[ Added ] Option to Change Color of Missed Call Icon in Conversation Screen (Mod 1.2.53 to Mod 1.2.55)
[ Added ] Option to Change Color of Missed Call Icon in Chats Screen (Mod 2.2.31)
[ Added ] Option to Enable Heads-up Notification (Mod 6.11.1)
[ Fixed ] Status Scrolling in Conversation Header
[ Fixed ] Hide Notifications (Mod 6.2)
[ Fixed ] Restore/Backup Data (Mod 6.7)
[ Fixed ] Custom Wallpaper showing Black
[ Unlocked ] Hidden Features (Video Calls, Group Invite Links.)
Other Fixes...
>> Notes :- - If Anyone face any Crash please clear your theme & Logs.
- Telegram links will not be clickable in media caption due some problems
- Adding FAB in Contacts & Calls Screen was stopped as there is already Search button available in both screens ... Sorry
๐ WhatsApp+ & GBWhatsApp features :-
๐น Based on 2.16.259
๐น Ban proof
๐น supports calls
๐น hide your ( last seen )
๐น privacy mods
๐น themes mods
๐น Theme Server ( to download/apply themes )
๐น Change ticks/bubbles Style Mod
๐น (17) Ticks & (13) Bubbles Styles to choose
๐น counter statistics for groups
๐น media preview without loading
๐น Show Online/last Seen in Main Screen
๐น send video with size 30MB instead of 16MB
๐น send 90 images at once instead of 10
๐น change your status and add to 250 characters instead of 139 characters
๐นability to press on links on chat screen without save sender number or group admin number
๐น ability to press in links on your friends' status
๐น ability to distinguish between normal messages and Broadcast messages
๐น hide the name and the date when copy more than one message
๐น ability to copy friends' status
๐น ability to change the app icon and notifications
๐น and many many other features .. discover it by yourself ..
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