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Guide | How to Install TWRP recovery and Root Android OnePlus 3
Terbaru 2017
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Guide | How to Install TWRP recovery and Root Android OnePlus 3
link: Guide | How to Install TWRP recovery and Root Android OnePlus 3
Berbagi Guide | How to Install TWRP recovery and Root Android OnePlus 3 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Guide | How to Install TWRP recovery and Root Android OnePlus 3.
Installing TWRP Recovery.
- Unlock Bootloader OnePlus 3. If you don't know how to do it, you can see this guide below.
- Enable USB debugging on your OnePlus 3 device.
- Enable OEM unlocking on OnePlus 3 device.
- Then download official TWRP recovery for OnePlus 3.
- Download Then extract all and install it on your computer.
- Download the latest SuperSU from available link below.
- Connect OnePlus 3 to the computer using USB cable.
- Now, Open Tool All In One program window.
- Once the window appear on screen, now select your phone at phone selector. and select OnePlus 3
- Then, reboot OnePlus 3 to bootloader mode. (Long press Power Button -> Reboot -> Bootloader)
- Once your device enter bootloader mode, make sure your device is unlocked status at device state.
unlocked device - oneplus 3 - Now, go to Tool All In One program window.
- Click Flash TWRP Recovery
- At the pop up window choose TWRP 3.0.2 OP3 and hit Flash button.
- The flashing process begin, just wait until completed.
- Once flashing TWRP finished, now back to your phone and boot the phone to Recovery mode. How to do it ?
- Press and hold Power Button and Volume Down button simultaneously.
- Release all button if you see OnePlus Logo on screen.
oneplus logo - On the next screen you will asked to keep system read only ? just tap Keep Read Only
- Now, OnePlus 3 on TWRP recovery mode.
- Tap Backup button. It will backup all partitions (Boot, System, Data, Cache) Once finished tap back.
- Now tap Install button, and search SuperSU form SD card ( Then swap to confirm.
- Just wait flashing SuperSU, once it completed now tap Reboot.
- You can check root status by downloading Root checker from Google Play Store.
- Finish.
Tool All In One - device selector |