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Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9
Terbaru 2017
- Hay gaes kali ini team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9, kami selaku Team Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Gudang BBM Modifikasi Terbaru. semoga isi postingan tentang
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Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9
link: Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9
Berbagi Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9 Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Guide | How to Install Unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9.
- This recovery is unofficial but tested by Tkkg1994.
Supported device.
- MHA-L09XXX devices
- MHA-L29XXX devices
- MHA-TL01XXX devices
- MHA-AL00XXX devices
Unlock Bootloader.
- This guide below will help you to unlock bootloader on your device, this method also work on Huawei Mate 9.
- Just follow the guide to unlock bootloader your Huawei Mate 9.
Install Unofficial TWRP Recovery.
- Make sure OEM Unlock is enable on Huawei Mate 9
- Then download unofficial TWRP recovery for Huawei Mate 9.
- Make sure ADB / fastboot driver is installed correctly on your computer. If you don't understand what is fastboot, check our guide here.
- Now, Open the ADB / fastboot application on your computer and go to the directory where your TWRP img file is downloaded.
- Connect Huawei Mate 9 to the computer via USB cable.
- Now Boot your Huawei Mate 9 into bootloader. How to do it ?
- Firsts method.
- At ADB command prompt type : fastboot reboot-bootloader
- Second method.
- Power off your device, press and hold Power button and Volume down button until it boots to download mode.
- Now, check your bootloader status is locked or unlocked by type this command at prompt ;
- fastboot oem device-info
- If the status is unlocked, now type this command at command prompt to start flashing TWRP recovery into Huawei Mate 9.
- fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.0.2-0-hi3660.img
- Then type this command to reboot device.
- fastboot reboot
- Now you can enjoy unofficial TWRP recovery on Huawei Mate 9 by entering recovery mode. How to do this ?
- Finish.!NhpFwTCR!ld7bTbN5im_9wkVjqwl4gPe26Y5oMrgyMcH8BSDP2RM